BerandaGeoparkFocus Group Discussion in order to Determine Geoheritage of Sijunjung Regency

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Focus Group Discussion in order to Determine Geoheritage of Sijunjung Regency

The formation of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) which is held on July 12, 2021 was driven by the Presidential Regulation number 9 of 2019 concerning the development of an earth park (geopark). The purpose of the geological heritage of the Ranah Minang Silokek Geopark is to determine the geological heritage of local, national and international value in the Ranah Minang Silokek Geopark area.

This activity was organized by BAPPPEDA which is held in Geopark Information Center office in collaboration with the Research and Community Service Institute (LP2M) Padang State University. This activity was also attended by the regional secretary of Sijunjung Regency as the chairman of the Ranah Minang Silokek Geopark management and several heads of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) who are members of the Ranah Minang Silokek Geopark Management Agency, namely the Tourism, Youth and Sports Offices, the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office, Department of Housing and Environmental Settlements, Department of Agriculture, Protection Forest Management Unit, Department of Education and Culture and supported by Community Organizations including: Tourism Awareness Community (MASATA) and Geopark Youth Forum (GYF).

This activity takes place from June to September 2021. During the process of determining the geological heritage (Geoheritage) Geopark Ranah Minang Silokek it involves a team of experts consisting of:

  1. Harizona Auli Rahman ST. M, Eng (Geologist)
  2. Ahmad Fadhly, ST, MT (Geologist)
  3. Rifdi Yashetri Masri, ST (Geologist)
  4. Triyatno, Spd, Msi (Geologist)
  5. Rahma Doni S.pd (Geotourism)
  6. Riza Febria, S.pd (Power Administrator)
  7. Alzet Rama, S.pd (Data Processing Personnel)

This determination event was opened directly by the regional secretary of Sijunjung Regency, Zefnihan. In his brief presentation, Zefnihan said that the Ranah Minang Silokek Geopark must have international-scale geologists.

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